Friday, May 15, 2009

Itchy Mitchy

Obama visited phoenix yesterday,I missed the rendevous with ‘the man’ as I was busy getting shots to control my allergies that time.I have been a victim of the famous Arizona spring allergy bloom.People warned me and I scoffed saying that u Americans are sissy..and aha now I am the one who has enough material for thesis on allergies here.

Right now my hand could be mistaken for a gods sudoku grid where he has filled all of it with red numbers and now you wonder that since there are just 3 spots where there is no rash which one would he fill next.Red maybe the color of passion but all this red on my skin is making the bull in a spinard matador side of me more out in the open then the passionate one.

But the week has not been all that bad I have been itchy mitchy but a friend of mine drew my caricature. Another got me a bowl of delicious chicken soup..and an old pal wrote a mail about her moving with her husband finally ..Two others called saying that their sixth sense told them that things were not right (this is not good news for the telecom sector) and called a few mintues back.

God you could make me allergic to a million(just a phrase…don't go by the word )things But keep me close to my pals..:)

PS::If the curious mind of yours is asking what am I allergic to..well it still remains a mystery to me too.